Shipping Policy

  • How much each shipping method will cost the customer,
    1. Standard --> FREE
    2. Expedited, Express --> as per USPS / UPS rates.
  • How long each shipping method will typically take,
    1. Standard -->  1-7 business days

  • How long your handling time will be between when an order is placed and when it gets shipped,
    1. Standard --> 1-2 business days

  • If orders must be placed before a specific time to be counted as placed during that business day,
    1. On any business day 12 Noon EST

  • Any restrictions to where you can deliver (no P.O. boxes, not to specific states, etc.), and
    1. NO Restrictions except please allow extra 1-3 weeks for PR, Guam, APO, FPO, DPO, Hawaii

  • Anything else that would be material to a customer when placing an order.
    1. Standard Shipping is usually FREE SHIPPING at Happy Bay.